The Bluetooth Audio Dongle And The Pocket PC

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Bluetooth technology is priming itself to become the premier wireless technology in all of computing. Right now there is a wide array of commercially available Bluetooth products for such popular devices as the iPod, the iPhone, any portable MP3 player, and your home computer.

But in creating a technology that is trying to take over all of wireless computing the manufacturers of Bluetooth wireless products have not stopped at the popular products and are not measuring Bluetooth success by just dollars and cents. There is an attempt by the Bluetooth manufacturers to make Bluetooth the most universal wireless computing technology on the planet and in order to do that they must start to create products for all platforms and that includes the Pocket PC.

In order to make your Pocket PC Bluetooth you can use a Bluetooth audio dongle to allow you to listen to the music you have stored on your Pocket PC through your wireless Bluetooth connection. A Bluetooth audio Pocket PC may seem easy but you need a little more than just the Bluetooth audio dongle to make it happen. The Bluetooth audio dongle is the adapter used on some devices to create the Bluetooth wireless connection. You can use a Bluetooth audio dongle or you can use a Bluetooth audio adapter but either way you will need one or the other to create your wireless connection.

As with any technology the Bluetooth audio dongle sometimes needs a little help in working properly. In the case of the Pocket PC the Bluetooth audio dongle needs an extra piece of software to do the job. But in some cases you can find the software for free on the internet and once you get the software installed you can then use your Bluetooth audio dongle to make your Pocket PC a wireless audio device. It just adds another dimension to the Bluetooth technology that few other technologies have and helps to make Bluetooth even more universal.

It Takes A Little Effort

Support for the Bluetooth audio dongle on the Pocket PC is not as wide ranging as it is for say the iPod but you can certainly find the software you need to get the Bluetooth audio dongle to work on your Pocket PC and it will allow you to enjoy the freedom that Bluetooth wireless technology offers when listening to the music off of your Pocket PC. Not only that but you will find yourself on the forefront of an emerging technology that many Bluetooth manufacturers are hoping will someday be the default norm as the wireless technology used in all of computing anywhere in the world.

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