Bluetooth Preserves Battery Life

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Originally developed in 1994, Bluetooth was in no small amount of jeopardy. The first versions of this wireless technology, dubbed 1.0 and 1.0B, had numerous flaws. However, version 1.1 quickly showed the technology's potential, and now it has thousands of companies supporting it. Businesses have found it to be integral over the past decade, but now Bluetooth headsets are available to the consumer market. It will help you increase your productivity with everyday activities, and you will soon find it to be an indispensable part of your life.


Bluetooth is a great technology because it allows you to move around with ease. As soon as your devices have a connection, then you can move around without worrying about wires. No longer will you be stuck being tied to an outlet, and because Bluetooth only uses a small amount of power, your devices will work longer. However, Bluetooth also places an emphasis on intuitiveness and connectivity, meaning that you'll be able to get connected quickly and stay connected. What are some of the most popular devices that use this technology?

Just about anything that needs a short distance connection uses Bluetooth anymore: keyboards, mice, even wireless networking cards (in PDAs, for example). Headsets are undoubtedly the most popular however, because they allow business-minded individuals to move around with ease while talking to customers and fellow employees without using their hands. This simple distinction allows employees to focus on driving or working around the office while talking, something that would otherwise provide a significant distraction. Also, employees will love the fact that this wireless standard is designed to use as little power as possible, extending the battery life of all the essential electronics such as notebook computers and cell phones.

Years ago, Bluetooth devices would have cost hundreds of dollars, as new gadgets tend to cost. Fortunately, the technology is so cheap now that gadgets that use this technology cost as little as twenty to thirty dollars while being more robust and efficient. It's cheaper and more efficient than ever before, so what's to lose by making the upgrade to Bluetooth devices? The companies that designed this wireless standard also had foresight in mind when they developed backwards compatible devices, so in many cases, newer Bluetooth devices will be compatible with older ones ( although possibly with reduced functionality or signal strength). In fact, you won't even need to purchase additional electronics to make all of this work. Bluetooth devices are capable of completely replacing your existing electronics, so you can phase the older technology out on a natural time scale.

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Little Bobby And His Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC

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Little Bobby had a Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC that he thought was just the greatest thing in the world. With his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC Little Bobby could not only listen to all of the music he had on his Pocket PC without getting caught up in the wires that standard headsets had but he could also but a special Bluetooth headset that had a microphone on it so he could make phone calls without having to hook anything else up or make any changes.

One day Little Bobby and his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC device were walking to their friend Tommy's house and Little Bobby saw a kitten stuck in a tree. Without having to do anything extra Little Bobby used his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC device to call the firemen who came and got the little kitten safely from the tree. When Little Bobby explained to the firemen how he was able to call them from his Pocket PC device he explained about his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC and they were amazed. So Little Bobby said goodbye to the firemen and continued on his way to his friend Tommy's house.

While he was walking Little Bobby decided that he and Tommy may like to go to a Chinese restaurant for lunch so he used his Pocket PC device to find the closest Chinese restaurant and then used his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC device to call the restaurant to make lunch reservations. The man at the Chinese restaurant heard traffic behind Little Bobby as he was on the phone with him so he asked Little Bobby how he was calling the restaurant. Little Bobby explained the Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC to the man and he was amazed and confirmed Little Bobby's reservation for him.

Tommy Is A Rat Fink

After walking for what seemed like hours Little Bobby finally got to Tommy's house. Little Bobby didn't mind the walk because he was able to listen to music on his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC so it made the walk easier. But when Little Bobby knocked on the door to Tommy's house Tommy's mom answered and said that Tommy was out with other friends. This made Little Bobby really mad because this isn't the first time Tommy forgot about plans they had made and after walking all that way to have lunch with Tommy Little Bobby was pretty mad.

Little Bobby used his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC to call his mafia friends and put out a hit on Tommy. When Tony The Hook asked Little Bobby how he was able to call him Little Bobby told Tony about his Bluetooth Audio Pocket PC and Tony was amazed. No one has heard from Tommy since.

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