Avoid Distractions with Bluetooth Cell Phones

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While on the road, many drivers need to make calls to their business, family, or friends. Holding a cell phone against the shoulder can be painful after a few minutes, but the only alternative is to use a hand to hold the cell phone against an ear. Either way is not safe, as it creates a distraction for the driver. A much safer way of placing calls is through the use of a Bluetooth cell phone, which keeps the driver's hands on the steering wheel and their neck pain free. Recent technological advances have made the features found in Bluetooth cell phones effective and cheap, and they are quickly becoming the phone of choice for business-minded individuals and other consumers who demand multitasking abilities.

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition has been touted as one of the most useful functionalities to hit computers and other gadgets in recent years. However, it had a number of prerequisite advancements in technology that until recently had not been met. Firstly, processors had to become powerful enough to decipher audio signals in real time. Also, voice recognition software needed to be able to adapt to dialects and other nuances in language. Now, voice recognition software adapts to any voice over time, and the processors are more than capable. This is just one technology to vastly improve the functionality of Bluetooth cell phones.

What this all means is that drivers can easily place calls without ever dialing in numbers. Bluetooth mobile phones detect the driver's voice and place the call automatically, and then the driver can talk without holding the phone to an ear by using a Bluetooth enabled headset or using the Bluetooth cell phone's speaker phone functionality. Keeping hands on the wheel and eyes on the road makes driving that much safer, not just for the driver but for everybody on the road. However, driving will be a much more pleasant experience, and neck cramps will be relegated to unpleasant memories.

Normal cell phone fees apply, but drivers receive much great accessibility and functionality than they would with just a normal cell phone. Business-minded individuals find Bluetooth cell phones to be as useful as PDAs for organization and productivity, and they have achieved mass market appeal in an astoundingly short amount of time. They don't cost more, but consumers receive so much more when they purchase Bluetooth cell phones. With access from all major cell phone providers, consumers have the widest market to choose from.

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